Falmouth Memorial Library 5 Lunt Road Falmouth, ME 04105 United States
This program is Zoom only. Register HERE for the Zoom link: https://curtislibrary.libcal.com/event/14143668.From Hazard to Harvest: How Aerial Robotics Might Be Used to Upcycle Inv...
This program is Zoom only.
Three conversations in an hour with other people in Maine.The prompts are simple. The conversations are non-political. What might you learn about (or from) your fellow humans?Let’s...
Three conversations in an hour with other people in Maine.
The prompts are simple. The conversations are non-political. What might you learn about (or from) your fellow humans?
Let’s find out.
Join us monthly to reflect and reset.March: What if we learn to center, ground in the present moment? What if we then listen within for thoughts, emotions, body sensations and...
Join us monthly to reflect and reset.
Building Better Balance Learn different body systems that can affect our balance (i.e. vision, strength, etc.). Learn other factors that can affect balance such as medications or...
Building Better Balance Learn different body systems that can affect our balance (i.e. vision, strength, etc.). Learn other factors that can affect balance such as medications or environmental risks.
Program requires movement, including getting to the floor and back to standing. Participate at your own risk.
Advance registration is encouraged, but not required, in order to receive an email reminder about the event. Walk-ins welcome!
About the talk:#OurStoryIsOne is a global education and art movement that honors and commeomrates the ten Baha'i women who were persecuted and killed 40 years ago in Iran for adher...
About the talk:
Toggle the date picker: Oct 2024 October 2024