Secrets of Supper

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Food & Cooking

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Program Description

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Join us for a three-part series on food and all it does for us! Led by experts in their field, a group of women known as the Savvy Palates, this series will occur three times and address the following themes: 

Part 1 The Feng Shui of Food: Clean Energy for Supper

Mother Nature table trains us by emphasizing the wisdom of being in the moment. What matters when we eat or plan a meal is GPS: where we are located right now. Food that fuels our body with clean energy is synced to season and place. That’s why cultures have specific ingredients or menus for various times of year and definite menus for holidays which mark the calendar for us.

 Part 2 The Dinner Table is a Medicine Cabinet

Food is the original, traditional medicine still prescribed today. Most fancy pharmaceuticals come from chemical compounds found in food. Think cranberries for UTIs, cloves for toothaches, ginger for nausea. Many cultures make meals medicinal when necessary. We’ll look at how food has always been used as medicine. It’s right there in that familiar Rx.

 Part 3 Food Fights: Your Dinner is Your Identity

Our food habits develop early and stubbornly stay part of our identity, which we often end up defending. “I make it the way my mother did, not the way your mother did.” Maine sued NH to protect “Maine lobster”; France prevented California from selling “champagne”; Tunisia had UNESCO protect harissa as Tunisian; Boston is Beantown. Immigrants bring their food with them. In response, Fanny Farmer purveyed the one true American diet and now culture wars include what’s for dinner.

Registration is required. The presenters require a 5 attendance minimum, so please be sure you can come when registering or let us know ASAP if your plans change after registering.


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