Program Type:
MovieAge Group:
EveryoneProgram Description
Event Details
Join us for our monthly movie Monday! We'll provide snacks. Free and open to all ages. Registration is encouraged for planning purposes. Drop ins welcome.
Celebrate Earth Day by hanging with our tree-loving friend, the Lorax.
The Lorax
In a land where real vegetation is rare, a young boy (voice of Zac Efron) seeks to impress his pretty neighbor by getting a tree. But in the process, he encounters the Lorax, a cantankerous yet endearing creature intent on preserving the forest.
2012. Rated PG. 94 minutes.
Registration Encouraged
Advance registration is encouraged, but not required, in order to receive an email reminder about the event. Walk-ins welcome!
Unaccompanied Child
Children 11 years old and younger must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or childcare provider throughout the duration of their stay at the Library.